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The Monroe County Reporter
Forsyth, Georgia
April 25, 2012     The Monroe County Reporter
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April 25, 2012
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PAGE 2A 00R00porter April 25, 2012 I agree COMPLETELY with the Drug Bust. Way to go Monroe County! I only wish a few more people could have been swept off the streets...but GREAT job! I'm a proud citizen! rank: 34 Congratulations to Mary Per- sons' new athletic director, Jim Finch. rank: 31 I can't believe you took five days to report the drug bust story....Greg S. Williams, Bar- nesville rank: 16 Everyone in this town loves dogging out "ragheads and foreigner's" and their fami- lies,not giving thought to what all they owe them.Believe it or not but I know quite a few that earned their citizenship,and would gladly give you a much needed les- son on a true American:) rank: 14 The President is destroying the future of our children and grandchildren. Vote "no" to Obama. rank: 14 You have got to be kidding me. A local firefighter is hang- ing out with local drug dealers and users what a shame rank: 13 Where is Jimmy Smith, the Monroe County Recreation Department's Maintenance Supervisor spending all 40 hours of his county paid work week? I never see him at the park and the park is nasty most of the time! We need a real DIRECTOR Comms! rank: 11 Why would you pass up ex- perienced Head Coaches with state championships and winning records? rank: 11 Jim Finch needs to be the su- perintendent, principal, ath- letic director, and head coach. I want to see him as much as I can! rank: 8 Facebook is documenting your habits....especially peo- ple with guns (hunters). Your words are being documented with your photos. Evil. rank: 6 Rain, thank you God for your love. May this rain bring us wonderful food and sweet tea. rank: 6 Warning: Think before you an- swer 'your doctor's questions. They are forced to ask you questions that could raise your insurance cost and pos- sible lose your gun permit. This is our transforming America. Be careful what you say because your words are being documented, rank: 6 It's a Darn Shame that this Presidential Election is strictly about race and Gov' hand Outs. Should not be allowed to vote if on welfare or gov't unearned funds, vote the MCBC Out of Office, they are playing favorites and Need to go rank: 5 The Hubbard Alumni Parade was very nice yesterday. Saw a number of elementary schools in it. rank: 5 Why shouldn't a hospital prof- it? rank: 5 Just tell the cowbirds to mooooove., rank: 4 Playing travel sports, I have visited other parks in the area. Ours could be so much more. You want to see a nice park? Check out the one in Semi- nole County, or even Conyers. rank: 4 The economy is getting so bad for me that I am thinking about trying to sell the gold crown that came off in my mouth the other day. That piece of gum really caused me to have a lightbulb mo- ment. rank: 4 Staff at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center are shown with contestants in the NBC reality TV show,/Escape Routes" on April 11. The show was one of two to film in Forsyth in the past month. TV shows film in Forsyi:] BY WILL DAVIS Forsyth has become a favorite filming location for TV shows in the last month. One month ago the show "The Vampire Diaries" on the CW Network filmed an episode at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center, accord- ing to Chase Jones, spokesman for GPSTC. And then on April 11, the NBC reality show "Escape Routes" filmed a show at the training center as well. The show has a quick turnaround time, and aired on April 14, said Jones. "The Vampire Diaries" filmed at the search and rescue training facilities at GPSTC, said Jones. The show is normally filmed in Covington so it wasn't a long trip to visit Forsyth. It airs at 8 p.m. on Thursdays. Meanwhile, "Escape Routes" shot its video at the burn building and rappelling tower at GPSTC. In the show, two- person teams compete in various competitions. In this particular hour-long episode, the teams come to Atlanta where they compete first in an art competition at Centennial Contestants in the NBC reality show "Escape Routes" are shown rappelling off the tower at the training center. (Photo courtesy/NBC) Olympic Park and then in a firefighting and rap- pelling competition at GPSTC. "Escape Routes" airs at 8 p.m. on Saturdays on NBC. Jones said he under- stands other shows have expressed interest in filming at GPSTC as well. He said he's excited about the niche role the train- ing center can play in Georgia's growing film industry, especially with its mock prison and jail. In addition, GPSTC will be featured on local TV this Thursday when WSB-Channel 2 News is set to do a feature on training law enforcement in pursuits at the train- ing center, said Jones. Jones said the feature arose after the wife of the Atlanta Braves' trainer was killed by a state trooper involved in a high-speed chase. The cast members of "The Vampire Diaries" are no strangers to Monroe County. They were involved in a photo shoot on the Rumble Road bridge over 1- 75 in Smarr when they were arrested and charged for disorder- ly conduct on September 2009. Sheriffs deputy Rhonda Seckinger had sad the 911 center got several complaints that the actresses, most in their early 20s, were flashing drivers and dan- gling one another over the side, creating a safety hazard. Talk to me about Golf Cart Insurance. Did you know that you can get a policy for about $8 a month? Call me and I can help you select the right coverage to fit your needs and your driving Dreference. JANE PENNINGTON (478) 994-0850 57 SOUTH LEE ST FORSYTH Allstate. Ntlonat svrge mol)thly i)nmlum amount b o pollck in force as ot lP./t/O& ACIU premium will wry Da on =ta, =mount el Insure puFC, l'aId a oer tLc,t'o, Inurn subject l lrms, oondlllon anO ll,bllily. Allmm Fire nO , In.,,ldxt...e Cornpy: Northbrook, IL, @ 2008 Atlsat nsuran Company Chick Willis to be honored at BBQ & Blues Festival Monroe County's own Chick Willis will get a Georgia Music Legend Award at the BBQ and Blues Festi- val in Barnesville on Saturday. Barnesville will host the 8th annual festival Thursday-Saturday. The event has grown into one of the biggest in the Southeast with 40 teams competing for BBQ awards and blues bands cranking out the music. Willis will be honored at the Saturday night paid concert at Ritz Park. Tickets cost $10. Willis, who hails from Culloden, will be playing along with the Melflames, Mark Hanson Band and Crystal and the Cruizers. Other groups backed fire hydrants too A story in last week's Reporter about local leaders taking mini fire hydrants to state lawmakers in At- lanta mentioned that the city, council and chamber were involved in the project. Officials wanted to add that the development authority and Forsyth Better Hometown were also involved. 2012 SUMMER ADVENTURE DAYCAMP REGISTRATION lst-8th Grade) May29 -JoH 1 Jae4- II Jkme 11 -1§ i Jae18-22 Jlme 25 - 29 JnlyZ-S&S-6 ly- ii1| ii Campers Name 3 Meals / AtlvlUes (7em-7pm) S130.00 Week Lunch I ,=tivitlu (9am-Spm) $100.00 Week Activities Only. You Provide Seek Lunoh, (9 am- 5 pro) Drop In (9 am - 5 pen) I Address Lads and Lassies voted Best Daycare Lads and Lassies was voted Best Daycare in Monroe County by d readers of the Reporter in 2012. They were inadvertently left out of ::.::;,:. last week's Best of Monroe ............... County edition. Parents Name Phone Emergency